Amai Liu showing off

"I'm not dating any one guy right now, but that doesn't mean I'm not getting laid," said Amai. "It doesn't mean that I'm easy-a slut-either. A guy's not going to get anywhere till we've been out two or three times, but once I decide that I want him, then I'll make the moves and let him know that he's gonna get lucky. If he's not considerate in bed-and a lot of guys about my age aren't-then I won't go out with him again. I want oral sex-both ways-and an orgasm before we have sex, and then I expect him to take his time so I can cum, and not just shoot his load as soon as he's in me."
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off
Amai Liu showing off