Beyond Innocence

It was known as the ‘Old Town’ – the notorious ‘Red Light’ District run by the prostitutes of Cleveland East. Savannah Richardson has control of the local Cleveland City Police. And thus be default, the kinky bi-sexual ‘Pimp’ also owns the Policewomen of the prostitute-run Red Light’ District of ‘Old Town’……nThere is rarely any real trouble in ‘Old Town’ – Savannah and her Prostitutes ensure that anybody foolish to try anything in their ‘Red Light’ District is dealt with. Officer Angela Whitehouse, Officer Evonne Gallagher and Officer Cassandra Jones however, still maintain a presence in Cleveland East, even though ‘Mistress Savannah’ has carte blanche to do whatever she wants……n
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence
Beyond Innocence