Dorito chips and landing strips

On the spectrum of "Dorito chip, landing strip, full clip", the AI usually does full clip. Sometimes you want something less than full bush but not bald.
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips
Dorito chips and landing strips