female slave auctions

Auctioning off female sex slaves is becoming ever more popular in the early twenty-first century. There have always been some ups and downs in the popularity of the open display of female slave meat. The public sale of female slave meat (and male too) for primarily sexual purposes has been known since Roman times. Today the practice varies from innocent role-play at private sex parties or - less innocent - in adult sex-clubs, through part-time slavery for limited time periods to life-long slave relationships, to full-out commercial or non-commercial slave-trafficking of female sex slaves. There is practically no limitation as to age, body shape, sexual orientation, race, physical features, etc. It's really so encouraging to see virtually any type of woman on market display. Even draconian prison sentences cannot stop slave-trafficking of sexually appealing women (or men). Sexual slave-trafficking is a natural urge to the human race, without its open display there won't be any manifestation of human culture. The rather strict aura of proper sexual slave trafficking is deeply felt at the more vanilla scenarios of private sex parties and adult sex-clubs. And people at these more innocent gatherings, both women and men, certainly know about the sinister conditions in professional slave trafficking, sometimes through first-hand experience. The knowledge and tacit acceptance of the ulterior consequences is permeating the more introductory scenarios. Anxiety towards outright sexual slavery and trafficking is mitigated through this great pervasiveness of knowledge. There is such an increasing number of women who have gained experience with this new type of social exposure. In various types of auctions the woman is always a pure sex object to be traded and exchanged by various market participants (male or female). Initially female slave auction may be just an extended form of wife swapping or wife sharing, then it proceeds to the husband becoming a more experienced trainer of one or several successive slaves, until the professional sex trade finally takes over. Gender roles have been transformed during the past few decades. It may now be the wife who temporarily or permanently auctions off her husband, or a lesbian partner her wife or significant other. Traditionally female sex slave auction has been an exclusive male prerogative, and some think it is this way still today. In this setting the sex slave is customarily a woman, the customer and supplier traditionally male. In some circles traditional gender separation still works its way. But, quite often other women are complicit in this kind of slave trafficking, as sales-person or security guard, training personnel or disciplinarian executives. Even the more elite positions of business have now been filled with women, be that recruiting, organising, management or financial affairs. The slave market is a commodity market that gives the primary model for market economy. I welcome so many anti-slavery projects in the economic world that are absolutely necessary. The trading of African refugees in Lybia is such an egregious scandal. Or the work slavery of Rohinga Muslims on the ships offshore to Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia gives another example. Slavery is far from over in our present-day world. But only open acceptance of sexual slavery as a social fact makes us understand what appropriate slavery really could be, and what is not. There are a considerable number of women who openly accept and support sexual slavery. And sexual slavery is probably a very beneficial experience for most or even all women. There are still some naive anti-sexual slavery initiatives that easily recruit inexperienced activist women. I am far from being antagonistic to them, because quite often they serve as a useful guide to the sexual slavery agenda themselves. Young women are introduced and familiarised with female sexual slavery, but gradually learn about their own emotional attraction to the issue, that turns out to be quite different from the original motivation. Another female role in sexual slavery that should not be neglected is her function as customer who bids in the auction, quite often Black or Asian, adding a racial agenda to the female sexual slave trade. Lesbian women are very interested in the purchase of female sex slaves as well. Female sexual slavery run by Asian or Black Women is becoming a wide field of sexual race play as a new branch of Sexual Power Exchange. It's by far not all exclusively male-oriented. This would be a narrow exaggeration and a very old-fashioned approach to the field. Which makes male lust for female slave auctions more cotextualized and understandable. FUER DEUTSCHSPRACHIGE KONSUMENTEN: siehe auch meinen BLOG: VERNUTTUNG - DER WEG ZU SCHAMLOSEM LASTER UND WOLLUST TEIL XLIII: FRAUENAUKTIONEN (Fuer einige ist ja allein schon die Fantasie als nackte Sklavin vor den gierigen Augen einer grossen Menge von Frauen und Maennern angeboten zu werden total erregend. Ich weiss es gibt so viele von uns Frauen, die leidenschaftlich zu dieser verdorbenen Sexfantasie masturbieren. Hat mir schon unzaehlige Orgasmen beschert, was ich nur jeder Schwester hier wuenschen kann.) SEE ALSO MY FIRST THIRTEEN GALLERIES: female slave auctions 01 and 02 and 03 and 04 and 05 and 06 and 07 and 08 and 09 and 10 and 11 and 12 AND 13.
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions
female slave auctions