Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023

Paula had joined the Victoria Police on a whim.nNot that it was really that unusual for the likes of Paula Annette Campbell to become a Policewoman – though the 1977 ‘Equal Opportunites’ Act had been implemented long before she was born, the Victoria Police had long sought to recruit women in preference to men. It was a legacy of Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon’s tenure, and had the tacit approval of the conservative Liberal National Coalition and encumbent Left Wing Labor Government.nThe twenty-eight year old blonde was attached to the old Bourke Street West Police Station. If anything, the small Uniform Branch there had become an unofficial dumping ground for troublesome lesbian and Bi police officers – christened the ‘Slut Squad’ just prior to the recent COVID Epidemic, the Policewomen at Bourke Street West had borne much of the brunt of ‘Right Winger’ anger over the extended Lockdowns in Melbourne.nTimes had changed. A new uniform – the dark style replacing the old light blue.nAnd, it had been quiet – a legacy also of the recent COVID Lockdowns too.nBut, what about Mistress Jade and her Prostitutes?nThis was the Old Town – the Red Light District run by the Pimp and her Prostitutes.nBusinesswomen and Politicians. Policewomen and Socialites. They all came to the Pimp and her Prostitutes when they craved Cock or Cunt – so too did Paula and her colleagues from the old Bourke Street West Police Station.n
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023
Prostitutes and Policewomen 2023